Being naive

Men kind tends to over complicate human interactions, How great could be if everyone could respect what other people think, that way, everyone could speak their mind with out fear or regret, or even worst social rejection.

If we where able to do that would be so much easy & simple know each other and interact with each other.

But we usually say thing we think are polite or we simply just say what we think the other person would like to hear.

Free speech its one of the first individual warranties, but we almost never use on a daily basis, nevertheless we complained about it when we are aware that there are some countries limit that warranty.

I know I sound so naive, but right now I'm wishing that I would have obtained a true answers to a couple of simple questions that I made in the past.

Who I'm kidding, I'm totally aware that life with out deception could be incredibly boring, besides like Nietzsche said, "That which does not kill us makes us stronger". Also if meet someone was so simple you could never be able to appreciate when finally you get to know someone else.

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